February 24, 2020
Good morning and greetings from Connecticut ~
Well, the Harp Guitar Gathering™ Inc. has now been in official existence for a month. Our website is under development and I’ll be adding content to it as the days go by. Thanks a lot to Dave Powell for helping with this!
I snagged the email address theharpguitargathering@gmail.com and sent out an announcement last week to a list of folks who have either attended previous Gatherings, or that I know have an interest in harp guitars. For some unknown reason, the bulk of those didn’t go through. So we’ll see about that. I’ll likely send it out again this week from my personal email.
In spite of that communication snag, I was delighted to have gotten some very positive response to a communication I sent out to several folks who I thought might be potentially interested in supporting the Gathering. That was great news and is enormously helpful to being able to think about the event in a bigger picture kind of way (as opposed to the how-do-we-make-it-through-this-year kind of way).
Along with fellow Board members Randall Sprinkle and Joe Morgan, I’m working on putting together this year’s Harp Guitar Gathering™. Details will be starting to show up on this website soon.
Best wishes to all,